Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Easter Pictures

Dear Graycen, 
   For easter I had Austin takes some pictures of us in Nana and Paca's backyard. They turned out pretty well. Except we didn't really get a great one of you and Lydi, but the ones we do have are cute. 
You are so handsome.
Love Mom

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The Eight Month Of Life

 Your first hair cut. I did it. But I didn't really do much, your hair just grows like that. 

You LOVE the bath. I have to keep all doors to the bathrooms shut other wise you will climb in the tub. If anyone dares to take a bath without you, you sit outside the bathroom door and scream. scream .


This was Brecken's Blessing. :) 

Whirnee's Baby Shower for Brecken. 

You went to Mommies mission reunion so we could see some friends.  

This is you and sister in mommy and daddy's bed watching conference with us. 

This is you and Lincoln having a play date in the park. 

Yes this really happened. it's real. 

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is your fave.